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Sad Clown. Not affiliated with any west coast or east coast gangs.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Weird Day

I slept in Austen's bed last night and we talked about how its weird that some guys don't think guys can be friends with girls.

I fell asleep and had one of those weird nights where you feel like you aren't sleeping at all but somehow time is passing in weird increments.

At some point my thoughts blurred to dreams and Austen and I were in my parents old four post in my old house, and this should have tipped off that I was dreaming, and we were playing with this sick dog, I guess I was thinking about Austen's recently deceased kitten who I never met, Fernando. RIP.

But then things got really interesting. I had a dream that I might describe as a vision. I saw Cleopatra (I had been telling Austen about Clone High before going to bed).

Cleopatra came to me and she looked like Elizabeth Taylor but Bigger and Sexier with wide hips and huge breasts and tar black hair and she looked a little like my high school sweet heart Ashley who is in fact Egyptian. Maybe I'm thinking of Egypt because Alex is there and I'm worried about him what with the whole revolution and everything.

So Cleopatra comes to me dressed entirely in this shear gold glowing chainmail and her dark bush is this triangle of blackness and she says to me in this way that I hear it in my head "I have and will always exist and existed. I am reborn and in every generation in a new iteration. And my true name is (don't remember) and it means "the parting of the curtains."

Then I woke up before my alarm and looked at Austen's weird curtains which are shear black with these victorian shape/forms and the grey winter sky behind them and thought about parting curtains and fucking and how Cleopatra is out there and she is bloodthirsty and conquering.

This weekend, I stood in my hallway, threw my glasses on the table, stared into the face of a violent man and challenged him with total confidence "KILL ME! KILL ME! KILL ME!" Long story short, he didn't. A few bumps later and I'm at a shitty bar called Rope near Pratt where I fell in love with a librarian who is only six or seven years older than me. We have a date Thursday. I'm going to teach her how to play chess.